Share a Video

It's easy! Please either:

  • Copy and paste your video link where the form says "Video Link" and submit!
  • Check the box indicating that you'd like us to contact you to discuss your video (including if you need help uploading it online!).

We’ll be selecting short videos to feature on our blog, Facebook page, Twitter, and other social media outlets to help raise awareness for the issues our members care about. We may even make some short videos compiling highlights from submitted videos and clips.

And to top it off, everyone who submits a clip will be entered into a drawing for one of 5 Mom Swag Bags full of yummy and healthy goodies!

Even just a small 15 second segment of cuteness is fine!  A short clip of something funny or touching can bring joy to others who see it.

Join in the fun!

Share Your Video!

    Please let us know if you have a video to share! You can either check the box asking us to contact you, or link to a webpage where we can find your video. Here is an example:


    Please contact me about my video

    By clicking "Submit" you are indicating that you have read and agree to the MomsRising terms of use and privacy policy.

    * required
    Not ? Click here.

    We'll keep you posted via email on this and other campaigns


    Privacy Policy (the basics): We do not share the information you've given us with unaffiliated groups without your explicit permission. For petitions, letters to the editor, and surveys you've signed or completed, we treat your name, city, state, and comments as public information. We will not make your street address publicly available, but we may transmit it to members of Congress, the President, or other targets specifically noted on the signup page. We will send you updates on this and other important campaigns by email. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so. For our complete privacy policy, click here.