Dear Senator,
Your action is needed to protect American families from toxic chemicals. I urge you to pass the Safe Chemicals Act today. In recent decades, the incidence of early puberty, certain childhood cancers, infertility, and learning and developmental disabilities has increased—sometimes at alarming rates. Scientific studies demonstrate that toxic chemicals we are exposed to every day can significantly increase the risk of developing these and other diseases and disorders. Data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that exposure to toxic chemicals begins in the womb. Most pregnant American women have numerous toxic chemicals in their bodies, some of which are already known to have adverse impacts on the health of their developing babies. This is unacceptable. Congress has an obligation to pass a law that will protect our families from harmful chemicals. We call on Congress to make the right choice for America’s families. Pass the Safe Chemicals Act now. Signed,
U.S. Senate: We don't like toxics!
Your message to friends:
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being concerned about toxic chemicals in toys, plastics, cookware, basically everywhere. I hope you'll join me by taking a moment to tell the U.S. Senate that you’re tired of being exposed to toxic chemicals. It's time for common sense limits: **This letter is going to be personally delivered to the U.S. Senate in May by moms, scientists, doctors and nurses. There's more details in the email from MomsRising below. Happy Earth Day, Friend **************************Forwarded Email***************************** We’re in a battle to protect America’s health and we need your help more than ever. Here’s what is happening right now: Our current chemicals legislation, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), has not been updated since 1976. Back then, we didn’t know as much about how toxic chemicals can migrate from the materials and products in which they’re used – including furniture, plastics, and food cans – into our bodies. Our out-of-date system leaves us exposed to countless toxic chemicals every day, chemicals that put our families at risk for cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and more. [1],[2] The chemical industry is spending millions of dollars lobbying Congress to block a meaningful update to TSCA. We just learned that in the last few months they have spent over $2.7 million dollars on ads in places like Pennsylvania, Texas and Alaska. Last year they spent $52 million dollars lobbying Congress to block protections for your family. [3] Today is the perfect day to show that we are stronger than any corporate lobbyist with deep pockets. Tell the U.S. Senate that you’re tired of being exposed to toxic chemicals. *We’ll personally deliver this open letter to your Senators this spring, urging them to co-sponsor and pass the Safe Chemicals Act. Why is toxic chemicals reform needed? The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed in 1976. Thirty-five years later, the Federal Centers for Disease Control have found that the blood or tissues of almost every American carry hundreds of these chemicals, some present even before birth. (4) Yet under the outdated TSCA, the EPA has only been able to require testing of a few hundred of the 62,000 chemicals that have been on the market since TSCA was passed 35 years ago, a number that has increased to 85,000 chemicals today.(5) Being a parent is a tough job already. Parents have enough on their plates; we shouldn't need a degree in chemistry to pick safe toys and safe food for our children. That’s why we need comprehensive chemical reform today. Parents are not alone in this fight for chemical reform. Powerful voices in the health world are speaking up for an overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, and the American Nurses Association.(5) (7) They know that our broken chemical screening system puts our families at risk for cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and more. And we know that when the health of our kids is at stake, there’s nothing we won’t do to keep them safe. We can’t let deep-pocketed lobbyists win. Please sign this important open letter today. We need to show your Senators that thousands of Americans want common sense limits on toxic chemicals. When the health of our kids is at stake, there’s nothing we won’t do to keep them safe. Please share this link with your family and friends; the more voices we have, the stronger the message. Sarah, Claire, Gloria, Kristin and the whole team P.S. Huge thanks to the Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Coalition ( for all they do on this issue. P.P.S. Tell us why you want toxins out of your family's life ( The personal experiences and thoughts of real moms and dads across our state make a big impact on our legislators and can help change the way our country handles toxins. Share your experience today. [1] "U.S. facing 'grievous harm' from chemicals in air, food, water, panel says" Washington Post, May 2010 [2] "Meet the Chemicals" Safer Chemicals Healthy Families [3] "Chart Detailing American Chemistry Council Spending Since November 2011" Figures compiled by independent auditor for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. [4] "Forth National Report on Human Exposure to Chemicals," Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [5] "Safe Chemicals Act of 2011: Introduced Today, Legislation Would Protect American Families from Toxic Chemicals [6] "Pediatricians Urge Tougher Chemical Safety Law," CNN April 25, 2011 [7] Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Coalition
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