On Wednesday, First Lady Michelle Obama told a crowd of business leaders, policymakers, and advocates: "Many folks don't have access to any kind of family leave policies whatsoever, no flexible working arrangements, many people don't even have a paid sick day. So they are struggling…scrambling to make things work…As we all know, here today, it just doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be that hard…"
Yes! Brava! The policies that she lists in her speech are exactly what we all need to meet the demands of today's 21st century economy where women are now half the labor force, the majority of families need two parents working to make ends meet, and budgets are tighter than ever.
Now, let's make sure Congress heard this message loud and clear.
Tell Congress: With a modern 21st century workforce, it's long past time to pass paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, and workplace flexibility laws. Please act today!