There's going to be moms playing with blocks at on capitol hill!!!
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I just got this email from MomsRising. They are bringing giant ABC blocks to capitol hill to spell out the importance of early learning programs like child care and preschool. I just invited my Senators and Representative to join in the fun. Will you do the same? More details about this event in the email below. Thanks! Mary *********Forwarded Email Below************** Mary- Have you ever played with building blocks that are larger in size than your average toddler? Well that's what a group of bold MomsRising members, toddlers, preschoolers, U.S. Senators and Representatives will be doing Wednesday (9/17) at our nation's capitol to remind our leaders and the nation about the importance of affordable, high quality early learning programs (like child care and preschool). Back us up online! Your voice is a critical building block of our movement for affordable, high quality childcare. And you can help from the comfort of your computer. *With a quick and easy message, you can make sure your members of Congress know that early learning is a key concern not just for the MomsRising members who come out for the event in-person in D.C., but also for moms and dads in their home districts. When constituents raise their voices about an issue, legislators pay attention. Remind your U.S. Senators and Representatives: It's early learning that builds a brighter future! **With your quick help we can create a message that no one at our nation's capitol can ignore! Why giant building blocks at our nation's capitol? Our life-size building blocks highlight how affordable, high quality early learning opportunities (like child care and preschool) help children and families (and our country) succeed. The building blocks are filled with messages like: "Leading economists agree, early learning saves future dollars." [1] These are the kinds of messages that we want to make sure our U.S. Senators notice. This is important. Nearly 12 million children under age 5 regularly spend time in child care arrangements, but it's a patchwork system with variable standards so finding quality care is tricky and expensive.[2] Quality preschool and early learning programs are crucial. Children who have high-quality early learning experiences are more likely to succeed in school, graduate from high school, gain stable employment, and are less likely to be arrested.[3] And, it's true: Leading economists do agree that early learning programs actually save future tax dollars. In fact every dollar we invest in high quality early learning programs saves seven dollars in future spending.[4] Talk about a return on investment! Help make sure your elected officials prioritize access to high quality, affordable early learning programs (like child care and preschool). Ask your U.S. Senators and Representatives to be on the lookout for parents and kids building giant towers on the lawn of our nation's capitol with a message, and remind your legislator that: It's early learning that build our kids up! And please spread the word by sharing this link on Facebook or forwarding this email to a few friends. Together, we are a powerful voice for children and families, --Sarah, Kristin and the whole Team P.S. Huge thanks to the Starting Strong Coalition and the National Women's Law Center for all the work they are doing to move these blocks forward! [1] Cunha, Heckman, Lochner, and Masterov, 2006 (PDF): [2] U.S. Congressional Committee on Education and Labor, July 2009 (PDF): pdf/publications/SAFRA-EarlyLearning.pdf [3] Lawrence J. Schweinhart, Jeanne Montie, Zongping Xiang, W. Steven Barnett, Clive R. Belfield, and Milagros Nores, The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 40: Summary, Conclusions, and Frequently Asked Questions (High/Scope Press, 2005): [4] Arthur J. Reynolds, Judy A. Temple, Dylan L. Robertson, and Emily A. Mann, Age 21 Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Title I Chicago Child-Parent Center Program: Executive Summary (2001):
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