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Tell Congress: Stop messing around with our national budget and economy. Get out of the way and let our nation move forward on healthcare reform.

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    Tell Congress to Stop Messing with Our Healthcare and Economy!
    OMG! How badly do some in Congress want to stop healthcare reform from rolling out? So badly that on the eve of implementation they’re ready to tank our nation’s credit rating— significantly damaging our economy— by holding the debt limit hostage in an attempt to stop affordable healthcare options from being extended to tens of millions of Americans.

    Tell Congress: Stop messing around with our national budget and economy. Get out of the way and let our nation move forward on healthcare reform.

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    Tell Congress to Stop Messing with Our Healthcare and Economy!

    OMG! How badly do some in Congress want to stop healthcare reform from rolling out? So badly that on the eve of implementation they’re ready to tank our nation’s credit rating— significantly damaging our economy— by holding the debt limit hostage in an attempt to stop affordable healthcare options from being extended to tens of millions of Americans.

    That’s how far they’re ready to go.

    How far are you ready to go to protect our economy— and to see your family, friends, and neighbors have access to affordable healthcare?

    Holding the debt ceiling hostage would have negative rippling impacts across our nation. If Congress doesn’t take action on the debt ceiling, then it could affect millions of people and businesses who depend on timely payments, including veterans, soldiers, doctors and hospitals who treat Medicaid patients, state and local governments, and recipients of Unemployment Insurance and SNAP. In addition, at risk is a 70% reduction in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and denial of coverage to the 6 in 10 Americans currently without health insurance if the healthcare law is delayed or defunded.

    On top of all of this, if Congress doesn’t address the debt ceiling and causes our nation to default on loans, the default would badly hurt the economy and send financial markets reeling.

    Tell Congress that playing politics with our economic standing in the world and the health of our nation’s families is unacceptable.


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