Dear President Trump and U.S. House and U.S. Senate Leadership,
I support the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
In these uncertain times, working families value the safety and security of health coverage more than ever. Repealing the Affordable Care Act without an adequate replacement plan will more than double the number of uninsured children in America—leaving 4 million children uninsured. It’s especially important for families who have children with special needs and chronic illnesses to have stability and consistency in their coverage and repealing the ACA and making cuts and structural changes to Medicaid will create more uncertainty and insecurity.
People across the U.S. have benefited greatly from the ACA through improvements such as:
- All new insurance plans are required to cover preventive services at no cost—like check-ups, well-child visits, cancer screenings, and vaccines.
- People with pre-existing conditions like asthma, cancer, and diabetes can no longer be denied or charged more for coverage.
- People with chronic illnesses no longer face lifetime caps on their benefits that basically cuts off their coverage when they need it most.
- Medicaid has improved and now provides coverage to millions more, including hard-working parents.
Everyone agrees that there is still work to be done to expand affordability and accessibility in our healthcare system—especially to vulnerable families, people in rural areas, communities of color, and women and children. But scrapping all of the progress we’ve made and starting at square one is a terrible idea and would be incredibly damaging to families and our economy.
The American Healthcare Act (AHCA), as written now, will cost lives and hurt our economy.
Do not repeal the Affordable Care Act. Instead, work to continue to repair our healthcare system and keep the protections we’ve gained in recent years!