Jersey City Needs Earned Sick Days

I am lucky that when my son gets sick, I can take a sick day and stay home until he can go back to school. More than one in three people who work in New Jersey have no such luck.

Luck should have nothing to do with it. And fortunately the City Council of Jersey City is taking steps to take luck out of the equation. That's right! Next week, the City Council will present a bill that would allow most workers in Jersey City to earn at least five paid sick days a year!

Please let the City Council knows that you support this important bill!

Sign Today!

Dear Councilmember,

We all get sick and we all deserve a chance to get better. No mom should lose her job because she needs to care for a sick child or heself. Please do everything you can to ensure that Jersey City workers have access to earned sick days - a vital workplace protection. Our families are counting on you.

Thank you.

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    Bring Paid Sick Days to Jersey City

    I just sent a message to the Jersey City City Council urging them to pass paid sick day legislation for Jersey City. Did you know that more than one in three workers in New Jersey cannot earn a single sick day? This means a mother could be fired for taking a sick day to care for her children. It just isn't right. Would you like to send a message too? Click here:

    Thank you!

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