Tell Congress: It's time for the FAMILY Act!


MOMentum for paid family leave (including maternity/paternity leave) is growing, but we need our U.S. Senators to kick it up a notch! Only five U.S. Senators are signed on to co-sponsor the FAMILY Act (the paid leave bill) so far. 

This means one thing: Your voice is needed to amp up the pressure for co-sponsors. In fact, there's no better way to jump start U.S. Senators than hearing from people like you!

*Tell your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor the FAMILY Act now! 





Sign Today!

Dear Senator,

I want you to sign on to co-sponsor the FAMILY Act (S 1810). The FAMILY Act is an insurance program that would provide workers—including those who are self-employed and/or work part time—with much-needed income while they, or a family member, deal with the arrival of a new baby or a serious health issue.  The new, self-sustaining fund would be created through very small, shared costs to employees and employers. 

Please co-sponsor the FAMILY Act and do everything in your power to make sure the bill becomes a much-needed national work place standard. 

Thank you for all you do.

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    We need Congress to support this AWESOME bill!
    I just sent a note to my U.S. Senators urging them to support paid family leave by co-sponsoring the FAMILY Act. Did you know that only 12 percent of Americans can access paid family leave? Can you take a second and tell your members of Congress how important paid family leave is for all Americans?

    Thank you!

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