$11 billion. That's how much the pay gap costs Washington women each year. [1] Are you kidding me?
Send a message straight to your legislators asking them to take action on strong equal pay legislation!
Here's the deal: HB 1506/SB 5140, also known as the Equal Pay Opportunity Act, will close loopholes in the Equal Pay Act and allow workers to discuss their salary information with each other without fear of retribution. Water-cooler conversations with co-workers is how many women discover they are being paid less than their male counterparts. But that's not all! Building on a successful bill in Massachusetts, lawmakers are also considering HB 1533/SB 5555 which will prohibit employers from asking for a job applicant's salary history -- research shows that salary history information subtly perpetuates the wage gap by keeping women's earnings tethered to their most recent pay range.
This is HUGE and it's thanks to people like YOU taking the time to send your letters, signatures, and voices to Olympia. Together, we sent a strong message: Washington women and families deserve equal pay for equal work!
Sign on here to instantly send a letter to your elected representatives in Olympia and send a strong message: it's time for fair pay in Washington!
Women make up half of the workforce and earn more college degrees than men. But in Washington, the typical woman working full-time, year-round in 2014 took home only 77¢ to a man’s $1.00. Moms experienced increased wage hits on top of that and women of color see the biggest wage gaps; in Washington in 2014 Asian women made only 71¢, Black women made only 61¢ and Latinas only 46¢ for every $1.00 paid to White men. [2]
Unequal pay hits working families’ pocketbooks, hurts businesses, and hurts our economy. This adds up in a bad way. In fact, the average Washington woman working full-time brings home $12,432 less each year than the average man. [3]
It may be 2017, but with these numbers, our workplaces look more like an episode of Mad Men.
By signing this letter to state lawmakers, you will help us remind our elected representatives in Olympia that equal pay for equal work is a priority for Washington families. Together, we can stamp out the gender wage gap.
Thank you for all that you do!
[1, 2, 3] National Partnership for Women and Families: Equal Pay in Washington