Dear Lawmaker,
The American Health Care Act/Trumpcare would be a disaster for women’s health. Not only would it repeal the essential health benefits requirements (which include co-pay free birth control/annual exams and maternity coverage) it also undermines protections for people with pre-existing conditions (like pregnancy, c-sections, or breast cancer).
The American Health Care Act would also take coverage away from 24 million Americans, threaten the health care of women who rely on Medicaid, which pays for nearly one-half of births in America, and imperil the economic security of older women who rely on Medicaid to pay for their long-term care.
These impacts would be particularly severe for women of color and women in rural areas. In fact, Medicaid has long played an even larger role in providing health coverage and paying for care in rural areas than in urban areas. Nearly 1.7 million rural Americans have newly gained coverage through the Medicaid expansion, many of them women.
Further endangering women’s health, the American Health Care Act would defund Planned Parenthood, cutting off health care—including birth control, cancer screenings and other essential health services—for millions of low-income women, many of whom have no other health care provider. One in five women visits a Planned Parenthood clinic in their lifetimes for healthcare.
Please reject the American Health Care Act and do NOT repeal the Affordable Care Act. Instead, continue working to improve women’s health in our country—which includes comprehensive access to health care during all stages of life.
* Claim your seat at the table! Include a personal message about why you support quality, affordable, comprehensive health care for women!