Tell FL Legislators: Don't make kids wait for health coverage!

Any child can get sick. Every child deserves the opportunity to get better.
It's time for Florida to take a stand for children's health and allow low-income immigrant children access to Florida KidCare with no waiting period.
Sign the petition to the right to let your legislators know you support abolishing the five year waiting period for KidCare coverage for lawfully residing immigrant children.
Sign Today!

Dear State Legislator,

As a Floridian, I urge you to abolish the five year waiting period for Florida KidCare coverage imposed on lawfully residing immigrant children.

Children who are uninsured are more likely to miss school, whereas healthy students are able to better focus on their school work. Eliminating the five year waiting period would not only help these children, it would save money by eliminating their need to get their healthcare through unnecessary, costly emergency room visits.

The cost would be minimal as Florida's Agency for Health Care Administration has estimated that eliminating the 5 year waiting period would increase total KidCare enrollment by just one percent.

It's the right thing to do.


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