Tell Your MA state legislators: No cuts to unemployment insurance!

Something fishy is going on in the Massachusetts state legislature - corporate lobbyists are trying to "sweeten" a bill to raise the minimum wage by combining it with cuts to state unemployment insurance benefits (UI).

We need to tell our state legislators that this "deal" is a non-starter. They must vote "no" on cuts to unemployment insurance.

Tell your MA state legislators - no cuts to UI! Massachusetts needs a strong minimum wage AND a strong safety net for people who lose their employment through no fault of their own.

Sign Today!

Dear Massachusetts State Legislator,

I urge you to vote no on any bill that combines raising the minimum wage with cuts to unemployment insurance.

Massachusetts needs a strong minimum wage, but not at the cost of cuts to unemployment insurance benefits.

A strong minimum wage AND a strong safety net for people who lose their work through no fault of their own will keep Massachusetts families and the entire state financially healthy and strong.

If the only bill to increase the minimum wage requires you to make cuts to UI - I urge you to vote NO and let the voters pass the minumum wage increase at the polls in 2014.

Massachusetts moms and families are counting on you.

Thank you for all you do.

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    Stop the fishy unemployment cuts.
    Dear Friend,

    Please read the below email about a fishy deal corporate lobbyists are pushing in Massachusetts.

    Thank you, and I hope you'll take action on this one!

    Add a short note (optional, up to 500 characters):

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