#KeepMarching RSVP: "Alone: Solitude or Isolation?" with Living Room Conversations
What: Online workshop with small groups of people reflecting on being alone
When: Thursday, May 28, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT
Where: Online, from anywhere with a good Internet connection, via Zoom
Our social nature is part of our humanity. People tend to like being with other people, and many of us need other people in order to be healthy and happy. The feeling of being alone can weigh heavily on an individual. Yet, for some people, solitude is tranquil, relaxing, and even spiritually rewarding. The current need to physically isolate ourselves from others is putting limits on our social connections. While we are being cut off from outside daily connections, some of us are also sharing living space with others and not having the amount of time and space between us that we’re used to. What is this experience like for you?
In this era of social distancing and isolation, #KeepMarching is partnering with Living Room Conversations to hold this very special event to allow people to truly communicate and connect on the topic of aloneness. The program, Alone: Solitude or Isolation?, is a guided, structured Zoom conversation. People will gather in groups of four to seven for about 60 minutes to listen to and be heard by others, sharing thoughts and personal experiences.
No preparation is required, but you can see full program details and the conversation guide here.
You won't want to miss this powerful and illuminating workshop. Space is limited, so sign up to join now.