Dear Congress,
Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act, guaranteeing eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a newborn, a newly adopted or newly placed foster child; to care for a seriously ill family member, or to recover from their own serious health conditions, including pregnancy and to care for a service member or address needs related a family member’s deployment.
The FMLA has helped working families, businesses and our economy but it was always intended to be a first step. There are critical gaps in FMLA coverage that need to be addressed and now is the time for Congress to build upon the FMLA by supporting two key pieces of legislation: The Job Protection Act and The Caring for All Families Act.
Millions of workers cannot afford to take unpaid leave and roughly 44 percent of the U.S. workforce are not eligible for the unpaid FMLA because they work for small employers, do not work enough hours, or have not worked for their employer for long enough. In 2024 alone, among workers who were not protected by FMLA, 2.7 million workers who needed leave didn't take it because they feared losing their jobs. The FMLA is a critical job attachment policy for working families but too many people are still left behind. That’s why we need Congress to expand FMLA by passing the Job Protection Act which expands access to job protected leave as well as the Caring for All Families Act which will expand the FMLA’s family definition to include a more comprehensive set of relationships including chosen family. These policies will help close the gaps in FMLA coverage and improve FMLA protections.
Working families, businesses, and our economy are lifted by expanding job protections for workers who need time off in crisis moments to welcome a new child, or care for themselves, or their families.