Share how your family would benefit from paid family and medical leave
At one time or another, every single one of us will need paid family and medical leave, whether it's to care for new baby, an aging parent, a loved one, or ourselves. Please share your thoughts on how paid leave would help your family. Our stories can have a big impact on our leaders, and we're delivering them to legislators this spring.
The majority of PA workers don't have a single day of paid leave. But there's hope: right now, members of the PA legislature are moving a bill that would bring a comprehensive paid leave program to the commonwealth. This is a win for PA families, workers, and businesses. Here's why:
Each year, Pennsylvanians are unable to take 462,000 leaves that they need and lose $2.0 billion in wages due to unpaid or partially paid leave, including $1.2 billion lost by women.*
In Pennsylvania, 78 percent of small business owners support a national paid leave program.6 Paid leave improves employee retention, morale and productivity, reducing turnover for employers of all sizes and boosting the economy. But small employers often cannot provide the benefit — and universal paid leave would help them do that.*
One-quarter of Pennsylvania workers are 55 and older,14 and in the next 25 years, the number of Pennsylvanians who are 65 and older will grow by 159,000. Paid leave helps family caregivers and disabled people (who are often caregivers themselves) manage their health and care needs while maintaining their income and employment.*
Please share why a paid leave bill would make such a difference for you and your family, below. We'll deliver your story right to our leaders, to make sure they never forget who they're fighting for.
* Source: National Partnership for Women and Families