IOWA! Write a letter to the editor to say: Summer Break Shouldn't Break Families!

Summer is in full swing – kids are out of school and while we’d like it to be all popsicles, playgrounds, and making memories, the fact is: families continue with the childcare struggle-juggle and rising costs make making ends meet more difficult than ever before. Summer break shouldn’t be breaking families, it’s past time to ensure we have policies that help families thrive!
Costs are soaring for families and parents and caregivers need real policies that keep us whole: affordable child care and investments in the Women and Infant Children supplemental nutrition program (WIC) are critically important for a baseline of care and survival!
This is a powerful way to make sure our elected leaders get the message. Lawmakers are reading their local papers to get a sense of what matters to people in their own community. With the quick and easy tool on the right, you can help make sure policies that lift families like WIC and comprehensive child care makes it to the top of their agenda by sending a Letter to the Editor to your local paper!
Just fill in the form on the right and click "NEXT" to see our sample letter and talking points.**
Here's how to send your letter:
1) Fill in your name and contact information on this page in the form on the right-hand side and click NEXT. Important note: We ask for your phone number because papers require this info with all letters, but your phone will NOT be published or shared!
2) When you get to the next screen, choose a newspaper for your letter—and then click on the Sample, Letter, and Talking Points buttons to write your letter. If you want to use part, or all of that sample letter, just copy and paste the text into the small empty box to the right on that page. It's easy!
3) Click send and watch for your letter to be published!