Send a Letter to the Editor for Tax Day!
Tax Day is April 17th. This is the first Tax Day since President Trump and GOP leader in Congress passed the largest tax plan in American history, ringing in with a price tag of $1.5 trillion-—and 83% of it went to mega-corporations, millionaires, and billionaires. [1] Working families were left footing the bill on this one. And all we have to show for it is meager, temporary increases in our paychecks, the inability to itemize our taxes, and for 13 million people—the loss of our healthcare.
***Enough is enough! It’s time to repeal the Trump tax cuts for mega-corporations and millionaires, and billionaires! Join me in speaking out this Tax Day! Send a Letter to the Editor to your local paper speaking out against tax cuts for mega-corporations and the ultra-rich!
It’s super easy! Just fill in the form and click “NEXT” to see your sample letter and talking points.

Here’s how to send your letter:
1) Fill in your name and contact information on this page in the form and click NEXT. Important note: We ask for your phone number because papers require this info with all letters, but your phone will NOT be published or shared!
2) When you get to the next screen, choose a newspaper for your letter—and then click on the Sample, Letter, and Talking Points buttons to write your letter. If you want to use part, or all of that sample letter, just copy and paste the text into the small empty box to the right on that page. It's easy!
3) Click send and watch for your letter to be published!