Dear Member of Congress,
Due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, our tax code is already broken—harming our families, our children’s future, and our economy. It’s not too late to do the right thing! The TCJA showered billions of dollars on the wealthiest Americans and mega-corporations but largely left out millions of working families. This must be remedied! Rather than continuing to give trillions of dollars away in tax cuts to mega-corporations, Congress should repeal this upside down, harmful law and instead concentrate its efforts on strengthening working family credits so our families can better care for their families and become more economically stable..
Expanding and strengthening the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC) will go a long way to fixing our broken tax code and provide struggling families with the support they desperately need. Congress should pass improvements to these tax credits that would address the gaps in the existing credits and expand them to reach more families with kids and provide more assistance to families already getting the credit, especially at the lowest incomes.
The EITC and CTC provides work, income, educational, and health benefits to its recipients and their children. In addition, recent ground-breaking research suggests the income from these tax credits leads to benefits at virtually every stage of life. For instance, research indicates that children in families receiving the tax credits do better in school, are likelier to attend college, and can be expected to earn more as adults.
These are the types of tax policies our families need. Not trillions of dollars in tax giveaways to the already wealthy and mega-corporations.