Dear Member of Congress,
Our families are struggling in this pandemic and we need real solutions that put desperately needed money into our pockets so we can support our families and help our local economies.
Luckily those solutions exist: passing expansions and improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (ETIC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC).
I strongly urge you to support the temporary improvements to these working family tax credits in the COVID package moving through Congress right now. These improvements would make the full CTC available to all children except those with the highest incomes (sometimes called making the credit “fully refundable”), and make an expanded EITC available to far more low-paid childless workers—the majority of which are women of color who are still helping support their families and grandchildren but are taxed into poverty year after year.
And after you pass the COVID package, I urge you to pass permanent improvements to the EITC and CTC this year! At a minimum this would include expansions to the amount of the CTC and EITC families receive, permanently expanding the EITC to low-wage workers without children in the home making the CTC fully available to the 27 million children who are currently denied some or all of the tax credits that higher income people receive, making the payments monthly, and creating a young child bonus for families with children under the age of 6.
Research indicates that children in families receiving these tax credits do better in school, are likelier to attend college, and can be expected to earn more as adults. And we know this money is desperately needed in this pandemic and would help stimulate the economy. This is a win-win!