Dear Representative,
We urge you to support the Counseling Not Criminalization Act (CNCA).
Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students NOT more cops.
Now more than ever young people, and specifically school-aged children, need support. As our country experiences an urgent youth mental health crisis, the data shows that more than one in three high school students said they experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, and one in five students seriously considered suicide.
Restorative approaches would include:
- More mental health staff and counselors,
- Social-emotional learning, and
- Trauma-informed care in our schools.
When we invest in school counselors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists who are trained to support children, and in schools, we see improved attendance rates, better academic achievement, and higher graduation rates, and lower rates of suspension, expulsion, and other disciplinary incidents. The data on this is crystal clear.
The presence of school-based mental health providers doesn't just improve outcomes for students but also improves overall school safety.
The Counseling Not Criminalization Act is an important step towards shifting resources away from practices that harm and push kids out of school into what helps students thrive, keeps schools safe, and ends the criminalization of kids in schools. Support and protect children and future students by backing this important legislation.
Thank you,