Dear Representative,
As one of thousands of MomsRising members in New Hampshire, I am writing to urge you to oppose HB 517 and the newly introduced amendment that repeals the marketing and outreach budget for New Hampshire's Paid Family and Medical Leave Program.
In 2021, New Hampshire took an important step forward by passing the Paid Family and Medical Leave Program as part of the state budget. While the program is far from perfect, it provides a critical starting point to help families balance work and caregiving responsibilities. The program ensures that thousands of Granite State workers—more than 23,000 to date—can access paid leave to recover from illness, bond with a new child, or care for an aging or seriously ill family member.
This new amendment, which received no public hearing or public input, repeals the modest $200,000 marketing budget necessary for outreach and education about the program. Without outreach, fewer workers and businesses will know paid leave even exists, severely limiting its effectiveness and undermining its purpose.
Without this program, families would again face impossible choices between earning a paycheck and caring for their loved ones. For a state like New Hampshire—one of the oldest in the nation that is struggling to attract and retain young families and workers—paid leave is a vital policy. It allows families to thrive while staying in or moving to New Hampshire, helping to build a strong and vibrant workforce. Paid leave is also a tool for small businesses, giving them the ability to support employees during life’s critical moments while improving retention and productivity.
The United States is one of only seven countries in the world without a guaranteed paid leave policy, but New Hampshire has taken steps to make sure families have access to this critical support. Instead of dismantling the progress we’ve made or quietly undermining it, we should focus on strengthening and expanding the program so more Granite State families can access the paid leave they need.
I urge you to stand with New Hampshire families and vote NO on HB 517 and the harmful amendment.