On behalf of MomsRising's 40,000 Washington members, thank you for voting in support of the Washington CAN Act (2SHB 1344) and ESHB 1696. These bills tackle two critical issues for moms and families in our state: affordable childcare and equal pay.
The high cost of childcare and the wage gap add up for Washington women and their families. Too many families struggle to find safe, accessible, and affordable childcare for their children while childcare workers earn poverty-level wages and can't support their families. The system is failing in every corner of our state, but the Washington CAN Act is a bold step forward in addressing the childcare crisis in our state. Thank you!
At the same time, the gender wage gap costs Washington State nearly $18 billion every year. No one law will end centuries of discrimination, but each new tool and policy helps us get one step closer to equal pay for equal work. ESHB 1696, which bans employers from asking about pay ranges, is a powerful new tool for working people in Washington State, especially when combined with our state's recent equal pay victories in the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act and paid family and medical leave.
Thank you for your leadership and your support on these critical and herstoric bills! We are so thankful to have you fighting for working families.