#MomsVote: 2020 Beacons of Hope Fellowship Application
***The fellowship positions for this program have been filled and we are no longer accepting applications.***

MomsRising is accepting applications for civic engagement volunteer fellowships to help get out the vote in select states. Each applicant who is accepted as a volunteer fellow, or “Beacons of Hope Fellow,” will take on adopting a precinct to help remind moms in the precinct who are traditionally low frequency voters to vote – and will receive a volunteer reimbursement stipend of $300 to help defer the costs of volunteering.
Each volunteer Beacons of Hope Fellow will serve as a “precinct captain,” taking on the responsibility of engaging moms who are traditionally low-frequency voters in their precinct. Engagement activities may include voter registration and check-your-vote activities, texting out the vote to share how people can vote this year in November, sharing fun educational content about voting on social media (provided by MomsRising), and making calls to remind people to vote. Due to the pandemic and public health precautions, this program will not involve any in-person volunteer components.
To maximize impact and make sure their own precincts are adequately covered, fellows may need to recruit additional volunteers to support these activities, including holding virtual phone banks.
Through their efforts, Beacons of Hope Fellows will evangelize the culture of voting, increase voter turnout, particularly by parents and caregivers, while also building the local infrastructure to support higher rates of participation in future elections.
MomsRising will provide volunteers with lists of low-frequency mom voters in their adopted precinct, along with text and calling tools, sample social, and more to reach those moms to help remind them to vote.
Through this effort, volunteer Beacons of Hope Fellows will:
- Get training on how to use voter education tools on text, phone, and social media.
- Participate in and lead volunteer voter engagement efforts, which will be online and over the phone. Fellows can expect to send several rounds of text messages and undertake at least one round of phone banking to moms who are low frequency voters in their adopted precinct. Fellows may want to recruit several volunteers to be able to dial every voter in their precinct.
- Learn #MomsVote messaging protocols and tips for voter engagement.
- Potentially help with voter registration, vote-by-mail, early voting, absentee voting, and voter-turnout drives (all online).